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1. STEM is for everybody

The enormous world of STEM covers every sector and industry from robotics engineer to rocket scientist, from veterinary surgeon to meteorologist and everything in between. As long as you like excitement, there is something to suit you.


2. It’s exciting!

Unlike at school, working scientists get to work in all kinds of amazing places. If you’re looking to get out of the lab there are roles that let you explore space, nature, under the oceans, the subatomic universe and more. You’ll be free as a bird.


3. Lots of money

People working in engineering can earn as much as their buddies in law careers. Not bad, right? Studies have also shown that the average salary for STEM careers is higher than most other sectors.


4. It’s creative

If you’re worried that you won’t get to show off your creative, artistic side – don’t be. STEM is all about new thinking and new discoveries and creative thinkers are the ones that will help to find them. It might be coming up with a new food or drink flavour, developing a new medicine, building a social media platform to rival Tumblr or coming up with a way to make cars better... whatever STEM work you do, you’ll be able to get those creative juices flowing. It’s creative because you’ll literally be creating the future.


5. You don’t need a degree

Despite what you may think, science careers are not only for professors. Nowadays, you don’t even need a degree. Companies have realized that everyone has something to offer so many businesses now offer trainee programs and apprenticeships to help you take that first step into a new, exciting career. Some even offer school-leaver programs! Whichever route you take, you can still get the chance to learn the ropes and become a super scientist. 


6. Soooo much variety

If your STEM skills are strong you can work in pretty much any sector you want, including robotics, video games, forensics, medicine, weather, software, animals, environmental science, space, product design, social media, sports, 3D printing, toys and film. And they’re just the ones we can fit into this paragraph.


7. One role can float into lots of different industries

If you’ve got some science, technology, engineering or maths skills in your tool belt, the world is your oyster. Take materials scientists. Their skills are useful in military research, car design, architecture and even fashion design. Or imagine how many different online worlds a web developer gets to build. STEM skills spread across sectors so if you want a sneaky way into your favourite industry, you’ve got one.


8. It’s actually pretty fun

Does your physics lesson sometimes get a little dry? Well it’s different in the real world. When you’re working in science you’ll be working on projects and (potentially explosive) experiments that you choose and will have an impact on the real world. You’ll be discovering new things, creating new things and changing all the things.

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